P R O G R A M M E The programme below is now the last and definite version. You can download here the programme flyer: outside (pdf-document, 556 KB, 04-17-2009) inside (jpg, 7,68MB, 04-17-2009)
Friday, 15th May 2009 10:00 Registration (VERANSTALTUNGSZENTRUM, level 04)
11:30 -- 12:30 Keynote-Lecture: Vera Nünning (Universität Heidelberg): Gender, Authority and Female Experience in Novels from the
Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century: Section I: The Paratext (President of section: Teresa Almeida, Universidade Nuova de Lisboa) Section II: Creation of new genres (President of section: Séverine
Genieys-Kirks (University of Edinburgh)) 16:30 -- 17:30 Keynote-lecture: Joan DeJean (University of Pennsylvania) The Wages of Anonymity: Two Case Studies (Marie-Madeleine Lafayette and Françoise de Graffigny) 19:30 Dinner in the restaurant "Aubergine" (Pieperstraße 13, D - 44789 Bochum)
09:00 Registration (VERANSTALTUNGSZENTRUM, level 04) Section III: Fiction vs Non-fiction (President of section: Vanda Anastácio, Universidade de Lisboa) Section IV: Supposed preference for the novel (President of section: Agnese Fidecaro, Université de Genève) 12:00 -- 12:15 Presentation of the NEWW conference proceedings Women Writers at the Crossroads of Languages (1700-2000) (Geneva 2007) 12:15 - 14:00 Lunch -- Buffet -- Ebene 02/ level 02 - "Südempore" 14:00 -- 15:30 Section VI: Women readers (President of section:
Annette Keilhauer, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) 16:00 -- 17:00 Closing Session
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